August 14 2019 0Comment

Sunday August 20th and September 3rd : Pic Nic

Organic, Healthy and Macrobiotic Pic Nic on Sunday August 20th and September 3rd, 2017

You want to enjoy good weather and meet people?
Come and discover a new way of eating: macrobiotics!
Bring a handmade dish, and share it with other participants!
Not possible for you to cook? Just tell us, we will bring more food for you.

Let’s meet at 12.00 in Vincennes’ Wood
Underground Number 1, Station “Château de Vincennes”
Exit Number 6 “Bois de Vincennes”

Macrobiotics, what is it about?

From Greek « Makro bios » (« the great life »), macrobiotics is a way of life and art of cooking, in which food should be based on balance between “Yin” and “Yang”. Whole grains are the most balanced food between “Yin” and “Yang”. The food which gives you dilative energy is more “Yin”, food which gives a constrictive energy is more “Yang”. You should avoid extremes, that is to say food which is too much “Yin” or too much “Yang”.

What can you cook ?

  • Use whole grains, especially cooked in water. These are some ideas: maki, onigiri, millet balls, buckwheat…
  • Use organic, seasonal, and local fruits and vegetables, as much as you can;
  • Use oleaginous: almonds, hazelnuts, nuts, sesame seeds, etc.
  • Use legumes as a source of protein.

What to avoid :

  • Dairiessugar, honey, agave syrup, additives;
  • Animal products (or eat it only in small quantity): it’s possible to do without it and it’s so much easier to preserve vegan dishes, especially when the weather is hot !
  • Refined or white flours;
  • Processed food: « homemade » is truly the best!
  • Tropical fruits and vegetables: eat local, everything you need is just there!

Don’t forget to register yourself!

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